United States

United States Salt Stamp
Stamp with a view of the Great Salt Lake in the background issued July 24, 1974 to commemorate
the centennial of the state Utah with a Salt Lake City day of issue cancellation.

The shores of the Great Salt Lake in the United States are one of many places where nature facilitates the harvest of salt by either delivering it to, or depositing it on the surface of the earth. Pictured in the background of the United States’ 1947 Utah Centenary commemorative, the lake continues to be the home of many salt production facilities.

United States Salt Stamp
The "Salt Evaporation Ponds" stamp from the United States'
"Earthscapes" issue of October 1, 2012.

Evaporation ponds near San Francisco, California are featured on one of the stamps from the United States’ 2012 Earthscapes issue. The vivid colours seen on this stamp result when natural evaporation occurs, salinity increases and the concentrations of micro- organisms in the water change.


"Publicity Kit: Earthscapes Stamps." United States Postal Service About. 20 Sep. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2023.

"Will We Choose to Save the Great Salt Lake?" The Nature Conservancy. 13 Jul. 2021. Web. 19 Mar. 2023.

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© Derrick Grose, 2023