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Robinson Crusoe's


In the September-October 2016 issue of The Canadian Philatelist an article appeared entitled "Who Owns Robinson Crusoe's Island?" This site is intended to supplement and update that article.


Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe's Novel that Inspired the Stamps

The Essay: "Who Owns Robinson Crusoe's Island?"


Arnold, John. "Sticky Backed Londoners." Gibbons' Stamp Monthly. Jan. 1970: 150-152.

Bredvold, Louis I., Alan D. McKillop and Lois Whitney. Eighteen Century Poetry and Prose 3rd
. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1973.

Defoe, Daniel. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Salt Lake City: Project Guterberg,
     1719 (2015). Web. 7 Dec. 2015. www.gutenberg.org/files/521/521-h/521-h.htm.

Cohen, Shosh. "My Own Stamp." Israel Philatelic Federation. Israel Philatelic Federation.
     2007. Web. 2 Mar. 2016.

Davis, R.W. "TOBAGO Robinson Crusoe's Island." Gibbons' Stamp Monthly.
     Dec. 1932: 53-54.

Ireson, Rymond W. "Philately in Chili." Gibbons Stamp Weekly. 1 Oct. 1910:

Morton, Rev. C.S. "As it Was in Tobago." Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal. 1 Jul. 1926:

Newport, O.W. "The Juan Fernandez Islands." Gibbons Stamp Monthly. Dec. 1991: 48-50.

Pendleton, Steve. "Robinson Crusoe's Islands"”The Early Years." Gibbons Stamp Monthly.
     Apr. 2008: 72-75.

"Robinson Crusoe." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,
     24 Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Feb. 2016.

"Robinson Crusoe Island." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia
     Foundation, 24 Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Feb.2016.

Rogers, Captain Woodes. A Cruising Voyage Round the World. Mountainview, Ca.:
     Google Books, 1712 (2010). Web. 7 Dec. 2015.

Thornton, Norman. "New Issues and Discoveries." Gibbons Stamp Weekly. 1 Oct. 1910:

West, Daniel. Daniel Defoe - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures. New York:
     Carroll and Graf, 1998.

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